Domestic Bonds

Issuer/Guarantor Currency ThaiBMACode Amount Tenor Issue Date Maturity Date Interest Rate(p.a.) Prospectus
PTTEP/ - THB PTTEP296A 11,400 million 15 Years June 6, 2014 June 6, 2029 4.82% More Details
PTTEP/ - THB PTTEP26NA 6,000 million 5 Years November 5, 2021 November 5, 2026 Year 1-2: 2.00% Year 3-4: 2.25%Year 5: 2.75% More Details
PTTEP TC/ PTTEP THB PTTEPT274A 5,000 million 5 Years April 5, 2022 April 5, 2027 2.09% More Details
PTTEP TC/ PTTEP THB PTTEPT294A 1,000 million 7 Years April 5, 2022 April 5, 2029 2.69% More Details
PTTEP TC/ PTTEP THB PTTEPT324A 6,000 million 10 Years April 5, 2022 April 5, 2032 3.05% More Details
PTTEP TC/ PTTEP THB PTTEPT265A 1,500 million 3 Years May 10, 2023 May 10, 2026 2.51% More Details

For inquiries regarding the below information, please contact our registrars :

  1. Transfer of bond certificate
  2. Changing Bondholder Information
  3. Changing method of receiving interest/principal payment
  4. Request for withholding tax certificate
  5. Request for bond certificate

For inquiries, please contact our registrars :

Bond Regulation
PTTEP296A Siam Commercial Bank Phone: 66 (0) 2777 6784
PTTEP26NA Krungthai Bank Public Company Limited Phone: 66 (0) 2298 0830-31
PTTEPT274A PTTEPT294A PTTEPT324A PTTEPT265A Kasikorn Bank Public Company Limited Phone: 66 (0) 2470 1042, 66 (0) 2470 5978

International Bonds

Issuer/Guarantor Currency Amount Tenor Issue Date Maturity Date Interest Rate (p.a.) Regulation
PTTEP TC/ PTTEP USD 458.106 million 30 Years June 12, 2012 June 12, 2042 6.350% Regulation S/Rule 144A
PTTEP TC/ PTTEP USD 600 million 40 Years December 6, 2019 December 6, 2059 3.903% Regulation S/Rule 144A
PTTEP TC/ PTTEP USD 350 million 10 Years January 15, 2020 January 15, 2030 2.993% Regulation S/Rule 144A
PTTEP TC/ PTTEP USD 500 million 7 Years June 10, 2020 June 10, 2027 2.587% Regulation S/Rule 144A

USD Bond’s Trustee

Bond Trustee Information
PTTEP TC USD 600 million PTTEP TC USD 350 million PTTEP TC USD 500 million BNY Mellon Corporate Trust
PTTEP TC USD 458.106 million Citicorp International Limited

More information, please contact:

Debt and Capital Market Section, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited