Mrs. Natjaree Anuntasilpa

Mrs. Natjaree Anuntasilpa

  • Independent Director
  • Member of the Audit Committee
Age : 53
Starting Date
  • Independent Director : Mar 17, 2023
  • Member of the Audit Committee : Apr 3, 2023​
Other Current Positions
  • 2021 - Present Secretary General of the Cabinet, The Secretariat of the Cabinet, Office of the Prime Minister
  • 2022 - Present Expert committee on organizational development for the Judicial Administration Commission
  • 2021 - Present Member in Sub-committee to drive, monitor, and evaluate the performance of the Royal Scholarship Program
  • 2021 - Present Member in Charity lottery reviewing projects committee
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Accounting), Chulalongkorn University
  • Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Shenandoah University, U.S.A. 
Useful Past Experiences for PTTEP
  • 2019 - 1 April 2023 Independent Director, Member of Audit Committee, Member of Remuneration Committee, and Chairman of the President's Performance Evaluation Sub-Committee, Airport of Thailand PLC.
  • 2018 - 2022 Sub-committee for Personnel Structure and Development Highland Research and Development Institute (Public Organization)
  • 2019 - 2021 Special expert attached to the Office of the Prime Minister (Executive, Higher level), the Office of the Permanent Secretary Prime Minister’s Office, Office of the Prime Minister
  • 2017 - 2019 Deputy Secretary General of the Cabinet, The Secretariat of the Cabinet, Office of the Prime Minister
  • 2016 - 2017 Advisor of Secretariat of the Cabinet (Policy and Plan Analyst, Advisory level), the Secretariat of the Cabinet, Office of the Prime Minister
  • 2015 - 2016 Director of the Bureau of Cabinet Submission Analysis (Director, higher level), the Secretariat of the Cabinet, Office of the Prime Minister
  • 2015 - 2015 Director of the Bureau of Economic Budgeting 1 (Director, higher level), Bureau of the Budget, Office of the Prime Minister
  • 2014 - 2015 Director of Bureau of Evaluation 2 (Policy and Plan Analyst, Expert level), Bureau of the Budget, Office of the Prime Minister
Vision in managing the Company's business

Focus on supervising and supporting PTTEP's operations as a leading Thai petroleum exploration and production company, to be an organization that is agile, and quickly adapts and excels in all aspects. With the digital transformation, this will empower PTTEP to conduct business growing sustainably at the global level under current and future energy challenges. All these will be done along with protecting the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders by applying the principles of good corporate governance to perform duties as PTTEP’s director.

Vision in performing duties that comply with Good Corporate Governance of PTTEP

Facilitate the governance of PTTEP's business by emphasizing on applying good corporate governance principles, supporting operations to be transparent and verifiable, with proper disclosure of information. Supervise PTTEP to be a role-model agency for maximizing company’s best benefit and build confidence among all stakeholders.

  • National Defense Course (NDC), Class 65
  • Director Accreditation Program (DAP), Class 159/2019, The Thai Institute of Directors Association
  • Advanced Audit Committee Program (AACP), Class 34/2019,  The Thai Institute of Directors Association
  • Executive Development Program: Leaders with Vision and Morality (Nor Bor Sor.), Class 79