Mr. Phongsthorn Thavisin

Mr. Phongsthorn Thavisin

  • Independent Director
  • Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee
  • Member of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee
Age : 64
Starting Date
  • Independent Director : Apr 1, 2024
  • Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee : Apr 1, 2024
  • Member of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee : Apr 1, 2024
  • B.Sc. (Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering), The Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.
Useful Past Experiences for PTTEP
  • 2021 – 2024 Director, PTT Public Company Limited
  • 2018 – 2021 Chief Executive Officer, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited
Vision in managing the Company's business
  • Promote and support PTTEP to remain as a leading national petroleum exploration and production company in Asia that can compete with leading international petroleum exploration and production companies and can stand as an exemplar of proficient management and environmentally conscious practices to ensure the sustainable management of petroleum resources for the nation.
  • Promote and drive PTTEP to develop new businesses to be a leading company in the renewable energy sector and ancillary fields associated with energy which will expand PTTEP’s core business.
To success in both core and new business, the key factors include being a LEAN organization that is agile, flexible, and comprehensive support for various business endeavors, and be able to confront forthcoming transformations.
Vision in performing duties that comply with Good Corporate Governance of PTTEP

Focus on making PTTEP a good exemplary organization, characterized by robust corporate governance, transparent business practices, and a strong commitment to social responsibility. This principle serves as an important foundation for PTTEP's consistent growth and solidifies its pivotal role within the PTT Group to contribute the nation a stability, energy security, and sustainable development in a stable and prosperous manner.

  • The Cullinan: The Making of the Digital Board Class 3/2024, the Digital Economy Promotion Agency (depa) and Thailand Management Association (TMA)
  • Director Certification Program (DCP 223/2016), Director Leadership Certification Program
  • (DLCP 3/2021) and Board Nomination & Compensation Program (BNCP 16/2023), Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD)
  • Capital Market Leader Program (Class of 27th), Capital Market Academy
  • Energy Literacy Leadership Program (Class 7th), Thailand Energy Academy
  • Senior Executive Program (SEP-19), Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University
  • Advanced Naval Studies Program (Class 40/2008), Institute of Advanced Naval Studies
  • PTT Group EVP Leadership Development, PTT Public Company Limited
  • PTT Executive Leadership, General Electric, GE, New York, USA
  • Breakthrough Program for Senior Executive, IMD
  • The National Defense Course (2013), Thai National Defense College
  • Director's Briefing - Corporate Strategy beyond the Crisis, a Chairman/ Board Perspective, Bain & Company, Inc.