Mr. Danucha Pichayanan

Mr. Danucha Pichayanan

  • Independent Director
  • Member of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee
Age : 53
Starting Date
  • Independent Director : Mar 1, 2024
  • Member of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee : Apr 1, 2024​
Other Current Positions
  • 23 January 2024 - Present Director of Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Thammasat University
  • 2020 - Present Secretary-General of the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council
  • 2020 - Present Director of the Bank of Thailand
  • 2020 - Present Member of the Board of Investment of Thailand
  • 2020 - Present Director of Government Pension Fund
  • 2020 - Present Director of Thailand Productivity Institute
  • 2020 - Present Director and Secretary of National Strategic Plan Committee
  • Master of Engineering Management, The George Washington University, USA
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
Useful Past Experiences for PTTEP
  • 2017 - 2023 Independent Director, PTT Public Company Limited
  • 2015 - 2023 Director of the Provincial Electricity Authority
Vision in managing the Company's business

Manage PTTEP's business to ensure sustainable growth, environmental friendliness and conduct business based on the principles of Good Corporate Governance.

Vision in performing duties that comply with Good Corporate Governance of PTTEP

Adhere to the principles of transparency and prudence in decision-making processes, aiming to create value while also ensuring fair management of stakeholders.

  • Diploma, The National Defense Course of National Defense College, Class 65
  • Director Certification Program (DCP 211/2015), Thai Institute of Directors
  • The Executive Program on Energy Literacy for a Sustainable Future (Class 10), Thailand Energy Academy
  • The Civil Service Executive Development Program: Visionary and Moral Leadership, Class 78/2013, Office of the Civil Service Commission
  • Anti-Corruption Strategic Management for Senior Executives Program, Class 7/2016, Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission