Mr. Nirandorn Rojanasomsith

Mr. Nirandorn Rojanasomsith

  • Executive Vice President, Engineering, Development, and Maintenance Group
Age : 59
Starting Date
  • Executive Vice President, Engineering, Development, and Maintenance Group : Jan 1, 2023
  • Master of Sciences (Mechanical engineering), Manhattan College (USA)
  • Master of Sciences (Computer), Brooklyn College (USA)
  • Master of Business Administration (Executive), Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical engineering), Kasetsart University
Useful Past Experiences for PTTEP
  • August 2021 - December 2022: Executive Vice President, Production Asset Group
  • February 2021 – July 2021: Acting Executive Vice President, Production Asset Group
  • February 2021: Acting Senior Vice President, Thai Offshore Asset
  • August 2019 - January 2021: Senior Vice President, Thai Offshore Asset, Production Asset and Supply Chain Management Group
  • November 2017 - July 2019: Senior Vice President, Australia Asset and seconded as General Manager, PTTEP Australasia Pty Ltd, Australia
  • September - 15 November 2017: Acting Senior Vice President, Australia Asset, Production Asset and Operations Support Group and seconded as General Manager, PTTEP Australasia Pty Ltd, Australia
  • July 2016 - August 2017: Vice President, Australia Asset, and seconded as General Manager
  • October 2014 - July 2016: Vice President, Canada Development Asset, and seconded as General Manager
  • July 2012 - September 2014: Vice President, Bongkot Operations Department
  • November 2010 - June 2012: Vice President, Arthit Operations Department
  • PTTEP Digital Booster Program by IMD
  • EP LEAD III Leadership Development Program by IMD
  • Senior Executive Program by Sasin School of Management